Presentation of ANSES

ANSES, which is in charge of several health & safety vigilance schemes (pharmacovigilance in veterinary medicine, nutrivigilance, phytopharmacovigilance, toxicovigilance and occupational disease vigilance), has decided to make its vigilance activities more visible through Vigil’Anses, a dedicated newsletter available in both French and English.

This four-monthly newsletter presents the main results of the work carried out by the Agency within the framework of its vigilance missions, in conjunction with its partners, professional networks and expert groups, as well as the actions we have undertaken.

The articles in Vigil’Anses have deliberately been kept short. They are geared to all stakeholders in the environmental and occupational health sector, including the public authorities, health & safety agencies, institutes and expert organisations that are partners of ANSES, as well as prevention policy managers, the scientific community, professionals, NGOs and consumers.

Vigil’Anses also invites the interested reader to delve deeper and discover publications, opinions and reports available online that will further their knowledge.